Monday 29 March 2010

Monday Night is FIGHT night! Well, it was.

"You're fit you're fit but ya dan't na what a do wiv it!"

Happy memories from last week's match against the Ampleforth pub in Headington as poor Laura was trying to take her shot in the first frames of the evening. The rest of the team just sat there wondering if the guy was playing some psyche-out tactical manoeuvre for when he played one of us later.

I was up next, but not against the chuffing chanter. After I lost a close first frame half way into the second the chanter came back and started on my opponent who ended up having a fisty-cuffs with him right there in front of the table. A hat went flying over the table, a few balls shifted position on the table as bodies were wrestling around it (*add your own double-entendre).

The fight was eventually taken outside and our team looked bemused but making jokes about whether the ruckus meant 'loss of frame'. It wasn't long before my opponent returned unscathed but perhaps a little flustered. He politely gave me the frame, apologised for the fight (the guys was just a random and nothing to do with their pool team) and we played a decider. I played well but not perfectly and was impressed that my opponent cleared his balls away so well under the circumstances. Obviously fighting during play doesn't ruffle him that much. Perhaps it was the Jaeger-bombs him and his team were doing before-hand that calmed his nerves. I congratulated him and bought him a well-deserved pint of lager.

So, we ended up losing 3-2 last week, not a shameful loss against a team who were drunk and in fights.

The return fight, sorry, MATCH was this evening at the White House in Oxford. I was drenched on my bike on the way over from Cowley Road, it decided to pour down with rain on my way over. I was soaked and so was my cue, so I had to use Jo's. I asked to play first so I could go home early. I won 2-0.
Next up was Hazel, who played very well, but against their best and very good player, she lost 2-0.
Next up was John-boy Kinsey-man, he put in his usual glittering talent and won 2-0.
Emily used-to-be-blonde Middleton was up next and wowed the crowd with her shots against a whacking-the-ball opponent who was SO jammy snookering Emily all the time, but she got out of them and rightly won 2-0.
So, no pressure for Jo, as we'd already won, but we still need points... Jo put in an amazing few frames against the sparing partner I played against last week, another 2-0 for the team. Jo played exceptionally well, especially when John said some magic words which seemed to rile her up good. Jo was a great challllenger to play tonight.
No, I didn't go home early in the end.
Thank you, team, for a fun night tonight.
Thanks, Conny, for loving the Blog so far and for everyone else who's been reading it and enjoying it.
Can anyone write to me about what's gonna happen on the condiment-pool night on Wednesday 'coz I'm gonna miss it!?

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