Sunday 9 May 2010

Varsity in Cambridge 2010

Another year another varsity Cambridge vs Oxford tournament. And it is Cambridge versus Oxford, they haven't beaten us for 12 years, but this year was the closest closing score for a while.

Each frame counts in this contest. There are 12 players on each team and each player gets to randomly play another in three frames.

Then, everyone plays three frames in a doubles tournament. There are a total of 54 points up for grabs. the final score was 22-32 to Oxford. ( think John mentioned 42 was the record)

Highlights of the day include...

Me saying, "you're supposed to pot the black at the end of the frame", to Rosie who I thought potted the black but it turned out it was a Cambridge girl... whps! I apologised, of course.

Me saying, "I didn't foul, I'm not a cheat", to a local drinker who thought it OK to look on and comment on EVERYTHING and give his wisdom to the girls on both sides.

Samiha and Laura both got 3-0 in their singles play-offs... the only two girls who did. Well done!

Ally saying, "excuse me, hello?" to her opponent who was on the phone for most of their game time, very unprofessional, Ally handled the situation with grace.

None of the Oxford girls in the singles or doubles got a zero against their name, but we should have given Cambridge more zeros. I know I was taken by surprise from a seemingly scrappy player, but then she pulled something out of her bag of tricks and managed to clear up when I thought I'd gotten ahead. I was feeling more than a little shocked and angry at myself and didn't let the next two games go the same way. I think a few other girls were taken by surprise in this way too. It just goes to show that experience is paramount.

I'm feeling garlicy today from the Indian meal we had back in Oxford last night. We, who were left, all managed to get back for 21:45hrs and get sitting in the restaurant by 22:15hrs.

Things that were decided in conclusion from the days' experience (by me at least)...
1. Cambridge girls a a touch two-faced and sneaky when concerning rules; they say they don't understand and then do a foul and say "is it?".
2. John is not required; "John, can you please go, I can't play when you're watching". Poor John.
3. Conny will always forget something
4. Mary can bake - she brought Oreo-bottomed cupcakes that were amazing and Conny didn't have the foresight to eat one as soon as they came out.
5. John likes cupcakes.... up his nose, really.
4. Beer is always required
5. Jojo and Louise are going to write a sitcom
6. Louisa is 'REALLY SCARY' to Cambridge.
7. Samiha kicks ass and played the best - she is the one to watch.
8. Sasha is an excellent doubles partner and can sink a black under pressure.
9. Jo is one half of Jojo... "How Welsh are you and what's your Dad's name?"
10. Rosie, who didn't sink the black before the end of the frame.
11. Laura drives a BMW and used to be a pig. oink.
12. Sam is one half of Jeebles!
13. I'm scraping the bottom here....
14. Girls take FOREVER TO PLAY and we should time the games next year.
15. Oxford RULE!

I have to get on with some work.

1 comment:

  1. ...the numbers of those last points are muddled and
    16. Adam drives like a MOFO...
